research project/installation
Production: With the support of the Flemish Government, Cross Border Living Labs (C2L3Play)
technical support/drawing of houses: Sander Alblas & Ruben D'haene
(houses as containers of memories) starts from an examination of the house and
its history and the typological characteristics houses have. In recent years, I have been conducting an
in-depth investigation of the house as a physical and psychological place and as a shared metaphor for the condition humaine.
I also have a great fascination with archival and historical research on architectural
elements and how they are applied at different layers in urbanist contexts.
The process of the research will crystallise into a spatial installation with various
ceramic parts connected by a metal sculpture to form a family tree.
The ceramic parts are 3d prints of existing houses from Flanders Wallonia and
France that appear in a digital database. The family tree analogy allows the viewer to experience a
formal connection and can reflect on similarities and differences and the
kinship between apparently different houses.
Pedigree starts from a specific context of data collection and digitisation of the house
that we are familiar with. Therefore, this data is an essential tool to incorporate this research and its elaboration
into the process. The open source data includes: a digital surface model in
grid format including objects, buildings.
Jonas could use open source for this data from buildings of Leiedal. With DeVisu (University of Valenciennes) he is defining parameters (material, formal similarities,…) to join houses linking in a family tree. Jonas investigates houses in this way Flanders, Wallonia and Northern France to establish a lineage finding houses. The research brings differences and mapping similarities in a visual work. The data is finally printed in clay @ EKWC and put together in one installation.
My Pedigree concept was picked up by WERKTANK and the C2L3PLAY project, 8 partners support me in the research of this project. The support lies in the further conceptual development of the project and the opening up of the networks and know-how.
Why are you selecting a home? What are these parameters? Is this random? Or offer this selection an extra layer in the concept and experience of the work.
From the coaching of Eric Prigent (les Frenoy) came the conclusion that the extra layer must absolutely be there, the conclusion was also that all 3 regions show unique architecture and thus convey their identity visually, although they are unique, they show brother or sister characteristics , this also determines the basis of selection criteria. The family tree would then also connect the differences to search between houses connecting the 3 Step evidence.
With Meï Menassel, (Docteure en Art de Bâtir et Urbanisme et en Sciences de l’info/comArchitect and researcher from Université polytechnique Hauts-de-France).
We try to determine the selection parameters based on her expertise.
We look at the houses in shapes, materiality and typological characteristics across borders. For example, we start with a house in Flanders with a sandy brick and connect it with a house in Wallonia and
France where, for example, a certain kind of ornament the further branching and linking another houses.
One of the findings is, for example, that the use of certain bricks originated in the clay soil that is present in the region where the house is located, eg yellow bricks have more sand in the clay composition. at a later stage due to the export of the bricks, these bricks are also found in Northern France, etc. In the proces Vansteenkiste felt that the work needed a personal layer and he incorporated His house, his parents house, grand parents and great grandmothers home into the piece.
From Leiedal/ Design Regio Kortrijk I am supervised by Stan Dewaele, Bram Lattré (Urban designer) & Ruben D’haene (represent space & living environment) They teach me to convert the Source data from the data cloud into a digital drawing and make it printable in 3D.
Pedigree project was selected to be coached by
Cross Border Living Labs (C2L3Play) A testing ground for the cultural and creative industries from the cross-border region of Hauts-de-France, Wallonia and Flanders. We firmly believe that we projects through co-creation and innovation processes to let grow. This project is part of Interreg Flanders-Wallonia-France, co-financed by the European Union and supported by 8 partners in France and Belgium.
Werktank is a production platform for media art. Our main mission is the realisation and distribution of installation art that investigates the relation between technology and perception.
Werktank functions as a work tool for the artist and puts its artistic, technical and productional expertise at the disposal of young and emerging artists. We accompany the artist through all the phases of the creation process of media art, from the research process till the final realisation and active distribution of the work, by offering residencies, financial and productional support.
Every year we give new artists the opportunity to work in Werktank, in parallel with a selection of artists who are supported on a longer term and who assure the continuity of the Werktank-dramaturgy.
We aim to continuously challenge the artistic line developed over the past years with new impulses, at the same time trying to maintain a coherent story which connects the works we produce.
Werktank operates at the crossroads of media art, visual art and performance art. Most of the works produced in our media-factory are comments or reflections on contemporary visual culture. They form a bridge between the past and the present by deliberately mixing new and old media. Often they combine the latest digital technologies with old craftsmanlike techniques, always maintaining the focus on the content and imaginative force of the artwork.
Our headquarters are situated in the heart of the city of Leuven (Belgium) and consist of offices, workspaces and a technical workshop. We are an inter(national) organisation, but are also firmly rooted in the city, closely collaborating with local actors to give new impulses to its emerging artistic scene.
Werktank is supported by the Flemish Authoritities and the City of Leuven.



Concept drawings
